A much transformed attitude to God 您所在的位置:网站首页 cbeebies say goodnight A much transformed attitude to God

A much transformed attitude to God

2023-04-03 08:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Yesterday, I found myself a bit further from God. I started writing code for a function from 9am and it took me until after 10pm to finish the function. I always raged when the program crashed, as I kept getting infinite recursion.

But the message today told me that I shouldn’t be like that, and believe that God is always with me. I have one more function to complete and I will ask God to guide me through as I finish the function. I will start at around 2pm, but with God I should finish the function by 6pm, even though this function is more challenging to write. I will have God guiding me through my two programming classes which I am struggling very hard in.

God always asks us to thank Him even he calls for smaller things, such as when I reached a fellow first year student, who had COVID, in a discord gospel chat. He tested negative 3 days later (even though it was his day 1 when I reached him!), so I needed to thank God for showing healing power on the student. I hope that this may become the catalyst for him to believe in God. I need to thank God on other things as well, even though they are the smallest callings.

A victory in God is to take away different thoughts of the devil from myself, turning them to faith in God, which can be exercised every day, not limited to the best Christians. This is what I will do for the rest of the week.






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